Yoichi 1987
Yoichi 1987 is a Japanese anime film released in 1987. It is an adaptation of the manga series of the same name by Masao Yajima and Ryouichi Ikegami. The film follows the adventures of Yoichi, a teenage boy living in a small mountain village, and his friends as they battle supernatural forces to protect their home. The film was directed by Tomomi Mochizuki and produced by Toei Animation. It was released to critical acclaim and was a box office success, grossing over $4 million in Japan.
- Type
- Single Malt
- Country
- Japan
- Distillery
- Yoichi
- Bottler
- Yoichi
- Age
- --
- Strength
- 59.00
- Volume
- 700
- Bottles
- --
- Cask type
- Sherry Butt