Jack Daniel's 1850 - 2000 - Mr Jack Daniel's 150th Birthday - 100cl / 43%

£105 Reserve not met

Price updated: 02 May 2022 2:34 Nov. 7, 2017, midnight
0 minutes
Sold on: Whisky Auction

Estimated total cost for buyer: £120.75
Estimated total cost for buyer with delivery*: £140.75
* Assuming only 1 bottle and delivery cost £20 Estimated total earning for seller: £104.00

15% (+VAT) of the hammer price (we do not charge VAT on commission for all orders shipped outside the UK). https://whisky.auction/our-fees
The commission rate varies from 2.5%-20% HAMMER PRICE PER LOT COMMISSION RATE £2000+ 2.5% £1000-£1999.99 5% £20-£999.99 10% £0.01-£19.99 20% https://whisky.auction/our-fees

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