Talisker 'Directors Tactical Selection' 1980 Douglas Laing 20 Year Old


Price updated: 26 Jul 2022 18:19 Feb. 17, 2020, midnight
0 minutes
Sold on: Whisky Auctioneer

Estimated total cost for buyer: £429.00
Estimated total cost for buyer with delivery*: £449.00
* Assuming only 1 bottle and delivery cost £20 Estimated total earning for seller: £370.50

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AUCTION FEES Selling Commission: 5%  of the final hammer price Listing Fee: £5 per Bottle (Optional) Reserve Fees*: £7.50 per Lot Value Added Tax (VAT) is applicable and charged to the commission and surcharges. *Minimum Reserve Price is £150 and Maximum Reserve Price within the first six months for new releases is equal to the recommended retail price (RRP) + 10% https://whiskyauctioneer.com/help/sell-whisky-auction/sellers-fees-and-payment-terms

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